Most Used Energy Source in Europe

Which energy source do European countries rely on the most?

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The most used energy source by country in Europe.

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A lot of European countries have been aiming to us less polluting energy sources and focus more on renewable energy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also caused a need and push to reduce the reliance on Russian natural gas and maybe even natural gas in general. This map look at the total energy use, so not just the energy used for electricity generation.

The most used energy source in Europe varies quite strongly. Coal, natural gas and oil are still the most used energy source for the vast majority of European countries. France is the only European country where nuclear energy is the most used energy source. We’ve already seen that more than 70% of the electricity generated in France, is generated by nuclear power.

Denmark is the only European country where the majority of its energy comes from renewables. A lot of its electricity is generated from wind energy. Included in renewable energy is wind, geothermal, solar, biomass and waste.

Iceland, Norway and Sweden rely mostly on hydro power. For Iceland and Norway it even accounts for more than 60% of the energy supply.

Data for this map comes from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy.


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