Internet Banking

Which areas in Europe have the highest share of people doing their banking online?

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Map of the usage of Internet Banking in Europe.

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In most countries and banks in Europe, people can do their banking online. In some countries people haven’t even been to a physical bank for years. Despite that, there are still people that prefer not to do their banking over the Internet. Either because it’s too difficult for them or the online banking system the bank provides is not good enough.

We can see on this map that the differences within countries are relatively small, but the differences between countries are quite big. Northern Europe has the highest rate of people using Internet Banking. In Iceland and most of Norway, it’s at least 95%. In most of Denmark Finland and the Netherlands it’s over 90%.

The lowest rates can be found in the south-east of Europe. In Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, parts of Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia it’s lower than 20%. In Albania it’s even as low as 5%.

Data for this map comes from Eurostat.


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