How Safe Do People feel to Walk Alone at Night in Europe

How safe do people in Europe feel to walk alone on the streets at night?

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Map of how safe people Europe feel to walk alone on the streets at night.

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How safe one feels to walk alone on the streets at night, doesn’t necessarily say anything about the crime rate in the country. But it does give a very good sense of how safe people feel in their country. Although both are probably closely related, having a low crime rate doesn’t necessarily mean that people will also feel safe. Crime rates can give a skewed view in countries where crime is under-reported or people have lost faith in the law enforcement and don’t report crimes any more.

Apart from crime, there are other factors that can affect ones sense of safety, e.g., the presence of dangerous animals or poor urban planning that makes cities feel less safer than they are.

Of course, this statistic can vary from city to city and even between neighbourhoods. Not just that, it can also vary depending on the demographic you ask. Data on these detailed statistics are non-existing for most countries. So keep in mind that this map only gives a very general view of how safe people feel to walk the streets alone at night per country.

Regardless of whether you think crime rates and how safe people feel are closely connected or not, let’s have a look at the map. Which will just give us an idea how safe people feel to walk the streets alone at night.

We recently looked at how safe people in Asia feel to walk alone at night. As you can see, this map of Europe shows much smaller contrasts than the Asian map. No country in Europe scores over 80, but there are several countries in Asia that do score over 80. On the other hand, there is only one country in Europe that scores below 40. In Asia there are quite a few countries that score below 40.

At the bottom end in Europe, there is one country that scores far lower than any other country: Belarus (32.3). The next 2 countries also score much lower than others: France (40.3) and Moldova (41.3). Sweden, the UK, Belgium, Ukraine, Ireland, Italy and Greece also don’t score very well.

The highest scores can be found in Slovenia (78.4) and Croatia (77.4). The only ones to score over 75. Switzerland, Iceland and Czech Republic also score very well. The majority of the European countries seems to be scoring fairly OK, with most of them scoring between 50 and 70.

These numbers come from and are the numbers as they were on the 15th of November 2021.


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