Dentists per 100,000 people

How many dentists does each European country have per 100,000 people?

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Map showing how many dentists there are in Europe per population.

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This map shows an interesting statistic. It shows how many dentists each country has compared to its population. But does this say anything about the quality of the dental healthcare in those countries? In trying to look for a ranking on each country’s dental health, it turned out that not many of these exists. Qunomedical has made an index of European countries in which they rate them based on the quality of their dental care, the Healthiest Teeth Index. This index however, is more of a prediction on people’s dental health based on several factors, than it is a rating of people’s actual dental health. So take that one with a grain of salt.

The highest ranking countries in the Healthiest Teeth Index (that are on this map) were Germany, Italy and Spain. The lowest ranking were Latvia, Slovakia and Croatia. We can already see some interesting things. Croatia has one of the highest numbers of dentist per 100,000 people, but has the worst dental health in Europe, according to Qunomedical. Greece, which has the highest number of dentists per 100,000 people, has a pretty low score on the Healthiest Teeth Index.

However, we do see that both Slovakia and Bulgaria, have a relatively low number of dentists per 100,000 people and also a low score on the Healthiest Teeth Index. We can also see that most of the high-ranking countries on the Healthiest Teeth Index, also have a higher number of dentist per 100,000 people.

There isn’t necessarily any relation (especially since the Healthiest Teeth Index isn’t too reliable), but it does seem that a higher number of dentists per 100,000 people is a good predictor for better dental health.


  1. I can confirm many Italian patients cross the border form Italy and get treatment at many Croatian dentists. We live in Verona where I have my dental practice, which is 250Km from the border and this dental tourism is very common.


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