Museums in Europe

Which European countries have the highest number of museums per million inhabitants?

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Map of Europe showing the museums per million inhabitants by country.

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Most of us probably have been to a museum at some point in our lives. Whether we liked it or not, depended strongly on the type of museum. In this map, we can see which countries have the largest number of museums per million inhabitants.

Europe has many more museums per million inhabitants than any other continent. The differences within Europe itself are also quite big.

The top 3 are all micro-states, with Andorra at the top. Although Andorra has a tiny population, it does have quite a number of museums for such a small country: 25. The first non-micro-state nation is Iceland. It has 192.6 museums per million inhabitants or 68 in total. Montenegro, Estonia and Switzerland also have quite a high number of museums per million inhabitants. All of them also make it into the global top 10.

Belarus and Turkey have by far the lowest number of museums per million inhabitants in Europe.

Germany is the country in Europe with the largest absolute number of museums. There are an estimated 6,257 museums in Germany.

The data for this map, comes from the UNESCO Report on Museums Around the World. The numbers in this report are estimates collected by the individual member states. It includes any type of museum (art, history, science etc.), although definitions might vary slightly by country. Be aware that these numbers are estimates. So, there might be some inaccuracies. Although these are probably the most accurate estimates out there.

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