Fertility Rate in Asia

How many children do women have on average in Asia?

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On this map, we can see the average number of children women in Asia have during their lifetime. We can see that there are some very strong regional differences. Especially between East Asia and the western half of Asia.

The replacement rate is 2.1. Which means that in most of the eastern half of Asia, not enough children are born to replace the current population. Without any immigration, this would lead a declining population in the future.

The highest fertility rates can be found in Afghanistan (4.3), Palestine (3.8), and Pakistan (3.7). As you can see, there is a very strong connection between how developed a country is and the fertility rate.

The lowest fertility rate, can be found in East Asia. South Korea (0.8), Hong Kong (0.9), Macau (0.9), Taiwan (1.0) and Singapore (1.1) have some of the lowest fertility rates in the world. All of them making it into the global bottom 10.

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